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Andrea Riccardi w Warszawie: wiara, która nie chroni się za murami

Radykalne świadectwo męczenników

– Bądźmy tymi, którzy potrafią odczytać i odnieść do siebie to radykalne świadectwo męczenników. Jesteśmy tu także po to, by nie osłabła nasza wrażliwość na pomaganie ludziom, którzy oczekują naszej pomocy i mają prawo jej oczekiwać, nie tylko chrześcijanie na Bliskim Wschodzie, ale wszyscy, którzy cierpią prześladowania za wiarę, za przekonania, za sprawiedliwość – powiedział kard. Kazimierz Nycz podczas Ekumenicznej Liturgii Męczenników. Metropolita warszawski przestrzegł przed pokusą retuszowania Ewangelii.

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Intro Sep 7 2014Sep 8 2014Sep 9 2014
Priére inter-religieuse pour la paix en Côte d’Ivoire. Peace is the Future 2014
Reportage: la rencontre pour la paix à Anvers 2014
Cerimonia Finale - Peace is the Future 2014 - (IT)
Final Ceremony - Peace is the Future 2014 (EN)
Assemblea di Apertura - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)
Youth for Peace in Ypres to remember World War I
Press conference with Andrea Riccardi #peaceisthefuture 2014
Come costruire la pace? Intervista a Marco Impagliazzo - #peaceisthefuture 2014
Panel 1: Religions and Violence - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)
PANEL 21: Iraq: What Future? - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)
PANEL 23: Youth and Elderly - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)
PANEL 6: Seeking Peace - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)
PANEL 15 - Nigeria: Exiting from the Tunnel of Violence - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)
PANEL 14: Art between conflicts and peace - Peace is the Future 2014 - PLAYLIST (IT-EN)
100 years from WWI: peace begins from Antwerpen
Antwerpen, city of peace

PEACE is the FUTURE. Religioni e Culture in dialogo 100 anni dopo la I Guerra Mondiale Antwerpen - 7th-9th September 2014

Peace is the future: Religions and Cultures in Dialogue
100 Years after World War I

The 28th edition of the International Meeting People and Religions will take place in Belgium, in Antwerpen, from 7th to 9th September.

After the great Opening Assembly, the participants in the meeting – representatives from religions and the civil society from all over the world, as well as representatives of the newly elected European institutions, will discuss current issues such as the relationship between Religions and Violence, Martyrs in Our Times, Muslims and Christians: together for peace.  Other topics are also Economy in the service of peace, Sustainable Development and the Fight against Poverty. They will also focus on some especially critical areas, Nigeria: Exiting from the Tunnel of Violence; Iraq: What Future ahead?
On 9th September, the Closing Ceremony, in the splendid Grote Markt in Antwerpen, will finish with the proclamation of the Peace Appeal of the World Religions.

The complete three-day programme,  with the interactive map of the venues,  is already available. The meeting will be streamed in several languages on Youtube.



Sep 7 2014  
Sep 8 2014  
Sep 9 2014  



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The Spirit of Assisi: 25 Years of Prayer for Peace

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA | NL | RU
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