<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Down with the grey - Dipinti e disegni di artisti disabili
Down with the grey! in Strasbourg
Illustrated catalogue
Visit the exhibition online
1 "The Friends" poster
2 The happiness of diversity
3 The handicap and I
4 Handicap and solidarity
5 Handicap and rights
6 The other communication
7 "The Friends"
   against the death penalty
8 We want a city
   without barriers or walls
   between the people
9 Handicap and faith
The other communication

“I'm deaf, but I can
hear those who listen to me”
Micaela V.

Autoritratto con computer
Autoportrait with computer
Tempera and watercolours on paper,
cm 18,5 x 11
Gabriele Tagliaferro

The image is repeated four times in different colours, and it is inspired by Andy Warhol's seriality. It represents Gabriel himself when, sitting in front of the computer, he finds the possibility of writing what he thinks thanks to the Facilitated Communication.
In fact, a form of autism leads him to doing "waht he doesn't want to" in the difficulty of making thoughts, acts and words coincide with his will.
But the way leading to a full communication is possible, and Gabriele found it with "The Friends" in his home in Rome, from whose window, like in the painting, you can see San Pietro's dome.

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