<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Down with the grey - Dipinti e disegni di artisti disabili
Down with the grey! in Strasbourg
Illustrated catalogue
Visit the exhibition online
1 "The Friends" poster
2 The happiness of diversity
3 The handicap and I
4 Handicap and solidarity
5 Handicap and rights
6 The other communication
7 "The Friends"
   against the death penalty
8 We want a city
   without barriers or walls
   between the people
9 Handicap and faith
Handicap and faith

“Jesus is as weak as we are”
Massimo C .

Watercolours on paper,
cm 24 x 19
Luigi Funedda

Luigi is forced on the wheelchair because of a hydrocephaly. His daily life is hard and full of difficulties. The friendship with Jesus is for him a reason of relief and joy.
In this picture he has wanted to represent the deposition because “when Jesus dies he is near to the sufferings of men”. Luigi has been inspired by a Macedonian icon of the 12th century, but he has been able to interpet, in a personal reading, the somatic traits of Christ.
The watercolour technique, used to make the painting, is well suited to follow the slow movements of the artist.

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