<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Down with the grey - Dipinti e disegni di artisti disabili
Down with the grey! in Strasbourg
Illustrated catalogue
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Down with the grey! 2002
- Rome
- Würzburg
- Movies
- Virtual tour
- Press rewiew
Down with the grey! 2001
Guinea Bissau:
an hospital for Africa
The mentally disabled:
friends without limits
Down with the grey!
Drawings and paintings of disabled artists

La copertina del catalogo
"Down with the grey!" is not an art exhibition like others.
The difference is not to be found in the absolutely new materials and techniques that have been used, nor in the aesthetic choices, rather it resides in the vitality of its powerful message - never banal - and in the coral and joyful tone that pervades all the works. 

It is not a melancholy sequence of paintings on the difficulties of the world of the handicapped person (although it surfaces time to time, but in a delicate way), or of doubtful copies of famous masterpieces. Indeed, one finds oneself involved in a series of challenges and suggestions that the authors convey in a meaningful as well as original way, regarding an array of different issues in focus today, such as human rights, faith, peace, and a committed sympathy for Africa.

The "artists of friendship" - this is the way they want to be called - made of their "different ability" a chance rather than a limitation or a condemnation. For all of them "diversity is the joyfulness of the world". And this is the qualifying reason of an unusual exhibition that unfolded - in people overburdened with physical and mental problems - hidden and unexpected energies which were able to gain an extraordinary richness of expressive ability, often denied.

Painting, for these young or less young artists, is not a consolatory rite, rather it is an opportunity to communicate an inner universe that too often stays underground or is veiled, and a chance to advocate for a more humane - therefore more joyful and sympathetic - vision of life.

More about the catalogue: [email protected]
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