Sebasti�o Salgado, 
Afghanistan 1996


Help for Afghan refugees

Aid for the Afghan Refugees Left Rome
The aid collected by the Community of Sant'Egidio for the Afghan Refugees left Rome, thanks to the commitment of the Young People for Peace and of the movement Peace People. The aid is mad up of clothes, blankets, teaching materials that will be distributed in some Afghan towns and villages.

Some tons of winter clothes, shoes, teaching materials have been gathered during the last months by the movements Peace People and Young People for Peace. This aid has been first stored in the Eco-solidarity Village in Rome and then sent to the Afghan refugees some days ago.

The aid will reach Afghanistan by a cargo, given by the Italian Defence Ministry and starting from Brindisi. The aid will be distributed by the International Assistance Mission (IAM), an association belonging to the United Methodist Church which has been present in Afghanistan for 35 years and is therefore able to distribute the material even in the most remote and difficult to reach areas, Herat, Mazar, Hazarajat.

The aid campaign also gave the possibility to sent economic aid to both the centre for the treatment and rehabilitation of the people wounded by landmines directed by dott. Cairo of the International Red Cross and to the Pakistan Caritas, which works in the refugees camps, in particular in Peshawar.

'Peace People'
the youth of
'The Movement of the 
Rainbow Country'

and of
'Dream and Words'
promoted by the
Community of Sant'Egidio
are running a campaign 
for a help collection 
for the refugees, 
in particular for the children, 
which are found in Pakistan.