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Community of Sant'Egidio
Humanitarian Emergencies

The Community helps Madagascar 
through the shipment of medicines

From June 2002 until February 2003 the Community of Sant'Egidio has being shipping to Madagascar some cargoes of medicines to support the orphanage of Fianarantsoa and the home family of Saint Maurice in Antananarivo.

The situation

From the middle of December 2001 until the end of June 2002 Madagascar has been shaken by a political crisis due to the controversial results of the political elections of December 2001. The economy of the country has remained in a state of paralysis for six months.
Rice, the main sustenance of the Madagascan population - imported from India, since the national production is not sufficient for the internal need - was scarce and its cost had greatly increased; legumes and other agricultural products, cultivated in particular in the area of the Central Plateau, could not reach the other areas of the country. The same has happened for many other first necessity products, among which medicines.
An example of the gravity of the situation is the fact that a simple flu epidemic has made thousands of victims, among which many children. In fact the situation of the children, in a period of economic and food crisis, has become particularly difficult. It has been calculated (data PAM [World Food Program] June 2002) that about 35.000 Madagascan children suffer from malnutrition.
Now the "crisis" is over and the political situation of the country is relatively calm, but the economic situation remains disastrous. To worsen the situation is the fact that, as every year, the cyclones (in the months of January and February) make many damages, thus making worse a situation which is already serious.  

The intervention of the Community

One of the factors which has worsened the political and economic crisis of Madagascar has been isolation. Only in the month of June 2002 it has been possible to send the first aids.
The Community has intervened at once so that medicines could reach the Orphelinat Catholique of Fianarantsoa, a city on the Plateau (1600 metres) which is located at about 500 km from the capital city.
The orphanage, built by the Nazarene Nuns, is one of the biggest of the Island. It has about 400 children, most of them infants. Besides the children entrusted by the civil authorities, many have been abandoned at the entrance of the institute by mothers who were to poor to be able to support them.
While the number of the children was quickly growing, also because of the crisis the supplies both of food and of medicines were running out.
The first medicines (vitamins, antibiotics, antimalarial etc. and specific medicines for the infants) have arrived from Germany thanks to the commitment of the German communities and to the support of Action Medeor, in the month of June with the first flights which have been restaured after the crisis.
The Community of Antananarivo has helped the medicines reach their destination, helping solve the burocratic and transport problems.
Thanks to the medicines it has been possible to cure the frailest children and to prevent the contagion of the flu epidemic which in the month of August has caused about 1000 deaths in the only region of Fianarantsoa.
In the following months the helps of the Community have continued.
At the beginning of February another cargo of medicines has arrived in Madagscar, and it hs been destined, besides Fianarantsoa, to the home family for the children of the women prisoners of the prison of Antananarivo, which is run by the nuns of Saint Maurice.
The home gives shelter to some decines of children who, otherwise, would be forced to stay in prison with their mothers. In this home, instead, they go to school, eat at least twice a day, receive clothes and what is necessary for the school.
The support of the Community to Madagascar comes also through the distance adoptions, in quite a few religious institutes of several cities of the country, which concern more than 200 children.
To these must be added the disabled of the Foyer of Tanjomoha at Vohipeno in the south of Madagascar, made by the movement of "The Friends". 

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