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После теракта в Ницце сотни участников движения "Молодежь за мир" собрались в Париже на встречу "Мы хотим мостов, а не стен" #changeyourEurope

Андреа Риккарди в видеообращении вновь обращается с призывом: Алеппо гибнет. Нужно действовать скорее #SaveAleppo

Пока в Сирии продолжают гибнуть люди, основатель Общины святого Эгидия вновь обращается с призывом к международному сообществу положить конец кровопролитию

Объятие Папы Франциска и Патриарха Кирилла на Кубе. Видео, текст совместного заявления, интервью, комментарии.

В первый день нового года шествие против безразличия, во имя мира! #Icare

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Marazziti Mario

President of the House of Representatives Commission for Social Affairs, Italy

He has been a member of the Italian parliament since 26 February 2013, and most recently he became president of the XII committee for social affairs. Up until February 2016, he was vice president of?the parliamentary committee of inquiry on the system of acceptance and identification and the conditions of detention of migrants in reception centers, in reception centers for asylum seekers and centers for identification and expulsion (CIE). Moreover, he has served as president of the standing committee for human rights, and has also been a member of the committe for the orientation and oversight of radio and television services, as well as of the III committe for foreign and European community affairs.

His passionate civic commitment has earned him a reputation of international relevance in the fight for the defence of human rights and social integration. Previously, he has carried out tasks of great responsability in the fields of media communication, interfaith dialogue and international cooperation between different healthcare systems. In addition, he wrote several books and articles aimed at sensitizing public opinion on delicate social issues, such as the abolition of death penalty and the role of Catholic ethics in the age of globalization.

(September 2016)

Cyprus 2008