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Syamsuddin Din

President of the Ulema Council, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. KH. Sirajuddin Muhammad Shamsuddin, or known as Din Syamsuddin (born in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, August 31, 1958, age 56 years), is an Indonesian politician who is currently the Chairman of Muhammadiyah 2005–2010. His wife was named Fira Beranata, and has 3 children. He was entrusted to the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council Center, who previously served as Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council replaces Center Dr (HC). KH. Sahal Mahfouz, who died on Friday, January 24, 2014.

As chairman of Muhammadiyah, he is often invited to attend a wide variety of international conferences with regard to the relationship between religious and peace. Most recently, for example, he was invited to the Vatican to give a public lecture about terrorism in the context of politics and ideology. He believes that terrorism is more relevant when associated with political issues than the issue of ideology. In line with that, he also was not happy when some Muslim groups using the label of Islam in performing actions terrorist them. According to him, acts of terrorism in the name of Islam is very much detrimental to Muslims both at the internal level and Muslims on a global scale.

Din Shams is seen as a leader of Muslims not only because he is the Chairman of Muhammadiyah, but even more so because of its ability to engage in dialogue with all elements of both faiths among Muslims, as well as with other religious communities.

Shamsuddin-Din was one of the passengers in Garuda Indonesia Flight 200 which crashed while landing in Yogyakarta in June 2007. He suffered minor injuries in the crash that killed 21 people.

[September 2016]
Source: Wikipedia

Münster 2017 - Paths of Peace


Assisi 2016 - Thirst for Peace


Tirana 2015 - Peace is Always Possible


World meeting for peace The Courage to Hope


copia di Monaco 2011


Monaco 2011


Barcelona 2010