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July 30 2015 | ITALY

Sant'Egidio On the Road, the first stages of a journey in Calabria that knows how to welcome

The tour of solidarity continues, between meetings, prayers and assistance to migrants

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In Calabria, many young people, parishes and associations live and tell stories of welcoming, love and desire to fight for this land. From Fuscaldo to Vibo Valentia, from Paola to Briatico going through the Plain of Gioia Tauro to Reggio Calabria, the tour of "Sant'Egidio On The Road" was a crescendo of hope and prospects for living solidarity and the construction of a more just society for all.
The welcoming of immigrants that land on the coast of Calabria was the centre of these days especially regarding the welcoming at the Port of Reggio Calabria of a ship with 700 Somali and Eritrean migrants and the prayer lived on the same dock with more than 100 people.

The encounter with 'Mamma Africa', the lady of Rosarno, was especially touching. She has welcomed for twenty years all immigrants of the plain of Gioia Tauro. Her words "never cease to welcome and involve young people to be a home for those that are foreigners” were a valuable enrichment and an encouragement to young people participating in the tour On the Road.

The conference held in Briatico (Vibo Valentia) on 25 and 26 July was a great success. It gathered participants of ten associations of the region on the theme of love for the poor and for peace. Different voices united by the desire 'to engage in the specific and in prayer so as not to let resignation win but to be builders of hope and of a supportive network for migrants that decide to stay in Calabria.

The tour will continue until Sunday 2 August: Next stages Soriano - Serra San Bruno - Soverato - Catanzaro - Petilia Policastro - Cosenza - belvedere Marittimo


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