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January 14 2016 | INDONESIA

Bombings in Jakarta: let us not leave Indonesia alone, as it is a decisive country for coexistence and pluralism

Andrea Riccardi’s contribution on the Huffington Post

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The terrorist attacks yesterday in Jakarta hit the heart of Indonesia, a pluralistic and democratic country. In its contribution published on the Huffington Post, Andrea Riccardi said: "The goal is to frighten an Islam that has taken for some time now the way of an active contribution to the consolidation of democratic institutions. The culture of dialogue, of peaceful coexistence is hit. For this we are... (read more)

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Non muri ma ponti: il messaggio di Andrea Riccardi al 4° congresso di 'Insieme per l'Europa'

Andrea Riccardi - Oriente e Occidente - Dialoghi di civiltà

Walter Kasper

Laudatio per il prof. Andrea Riccardi in occasione del conferimento del Premio Umanesimo 2016 a Berlino

Medì 2016: PROGRAMMA

Medì 2016: I RELATORI

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