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January 29 2016 | ROME, ITALY

The Church of Mercy: bishops from all continents in an ecumenical meeting at Sant'Egidio

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In the Year of the Jubilee of Mercy, about a hundred bishops from Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia, not only Catholics, but also Evangelicals and Orthodox, are meeting this week in Rome with the Community of Sant'Egidio to go deeper into the many questions on how to be the Church of Mercy in a complex world.

The conference, opened with an introductory speech by Andrea Riccardi on the prophecy of mercy, addresses issues such as the issue of migration in the twenty-first century, terrorism and the culture of living together, globalisation and sustainable development. There are also moments of "practice" of mercy, by sharing moments of service to the poor: a few sessions of the conference consist of visits to the homeless, prisoners, the elderly.

  Some moments of the conference of bishops in Sant'Egidio in January 2016 

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