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April 25 2001

New on the web site : Eco-solidarity

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A new section of the web site, about "Eco-solidarity", is on-line.

April 12 2016

There is a place in Rome, where ecology combines with solidarity: the vintage market of Sant'Egidio

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January 19 2012

Emergency aid to the Philipino and Indonesian workers of the Costa Concordia Ship

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February 8 2010

Aid from Rome to help the victims of the hurricane in San Salvador

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June 22 2001

Rome - Eco-solidarity City: Another shipment of humanitarian aid has left for Salvador

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all the news
December 23 2016
Corriere della Sera - Ed. Roma

Roma, il megastore della solidarietà. Così gli ultimi ritornano a vivere

February 11 2016

Burundi: da Sant’Egidio un container per crisi alimentare

November 11 2014

La Comunitat de Sant Egidi comença a recollir joguines

January 19 2014
La Repubblica - Ed. Roma

Abiti vintage e giocattoli: ecco lo shopping Eco Solidale

December 1 2013
Famiglia Cristiana

Un appello per finanziare borse di studio per bambini e ragazzi rom

November 27 2013

Sartoria, un futuro per giovani disoccupate

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