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Let us help the children of Matang to go back to school

The construction of a school in the village of the Philippines hit by typhoon Haiyan started

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Seven months had passed since the fury of Typhoon Haiyan, but many areas of the Philippines still bear scars of its destruction. The Community of Sant'Egidio is operative since the beginning of the emergency, through humanitarian operations and through distributions of food supplies and other basic aids in the most affected areas.

Among these areas there is the Tacloban City, in the central part of the Philippines; its Archbishop, John Du, requested the Community to help the children of Matlang, a village severely damaged by the typhoon and isolated for a long period.

The main school of the village has been wiped out, thus classes are now displaced in a corner of the parish church, that has been heavily damaged too.

The Community of Sant'Egidio - thanks to the fundraising activated via website and to many other donations from Italy and other Countries - begun the construction of a new school building. It represents a concrete help that will allow pupils resident in Matlang and in nearby villages to resume their studies in a safe and well-equipped environment.

The class arranged inside the church of Matlang The church of Matlang, where school lessons take place
 The construction site of the new school  Matlang is located near Tacloban, in the central part of the Philippines

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