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Religions and Violence

Proceedings of an International Conference in Rome (19 February 2014)

2015 |
Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc.
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This volume brings together the speeches of a conference in Rome that was jointly staged in January 2014 by missio Aachen (Germany) and Sant'Egidio (Italy).

The conference was devoted to an assessment of the relationship between various world religions and violence. The hallmark of the present work is, above all, the journey that has been undertaken to facilitate a day of reflection on this matter.

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Frieden schaffen - die Diplomatie von Sant'Egidio' ist im Buchhandel - auf Italienisch und bald auch auf Deutsch

IT | ES | DE | PT
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“Siamo qui, siamo vivi”: la famiglia Sarano, salvata da un sottufficiale tedesco

18 Januar 2018

Giornata della memoria: Impagliazzo (Sant’Egidio), “non bisogna dimenticare, in un periodo in cui sentiamo qualcuno ancora invocare la difesa della razza bianca

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Napoli: presentazione del libro ''Alla Scuola della Pace''

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The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty - XIII world day against the death penalty

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