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Peace in all Lands. Manifestations of the Community of Sant'Egidio on 1 January 2010, for the World Day of Peace

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On the occasion of the celebration of the World Day of the Peace of January 1st 2010 the Community of Sant'Egidio, together with other Associations, Movements and Communities, wants to show its support to the words of the Pope and to his concern for peace in the world, still so divided and marked by wars, injustices, poverty and violences.

1 January, day traditionally dedicated to peace, will be accompanied in 2010 by the message of pope Benedict XVI: “If you want to cultivate Peace, protect creation".

The Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome and in many towns of the world organizes initiatives to remember all the lands that in the North and in the South of the world await the end of the war, source of suffering for many peoples and "mother" of all poverty, and the end of the terrorism and hope in the unity and in the peace of the human family.

Christians and believers of all religions, men and women of good will, are invited to join to show that peace is possible and that the war is not inevitable.



1 January, 11am
Largo Giovanni XXIII

in corteo verso Piazza San Pietro
per ascoltare  il Messaggio di Pace
di papa Benedetto XVI

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1 January, 4pm
piazzetta antistante Borgo San Jacopo (Ponte Vecchio)

1 January,  3pm
Bailica dell'Annunziata

Address by Card. Bagnasco and witnesses by the Community of Sant'Egidio

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1 January, 4pm
March for Peace
Largo Cavour to Piazza della Repubblica

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1 January, 5.30 pm
Chiesa di San Giovannino

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1 gennaio, 5.30 pm
March towards the Cathedral where at 6,30 pm an Eucharistic Liturgy will be presided over by H.Em. Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe

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1 January, 5 pm
March for Peace (partenza - Oorlogsmonument, Stadspark).
At 6.00 pm, Peace Party (Handschoenmarkt)

1 gennaio, ore 16
March for Peace (starting - Hôtel de Ville)
  Witnesses - Place Saint-Pau

At the same time, in many more cities in the world similar manifestations will be held, to remind the countries struck by war and terrorism. 

More dates will be listed upon reception by the web site staff
More information
[email protected]

in depth
The message of the Pope for the celebrations of the World Day of Peace 2009:

Français, English, Italiano, Polsky, Portugues, Castellano, Deutsch

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