Mother and child against AIDS


Community of Sant'Egidio
Friends in the world

Friends in the world
      Project to combat Aids in Mozambique


The Community of Sant'Egidio's programme to combat Hiv/Aids provides:

Testing for Hiv infection

Training of local staff (doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, health workers, training staff, etc.)

Health education (prisons, prostitutes, maternity and childcare centres)

Means of preventing mothers infecting their children during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.

Therapy for those infected with the Hiv virus.

Creation of molecular biology laboratories to monitor antiretroviral therapy.

Monitoring of blood donations.

Prevention and care of the diseases linked to Aids (opportunistic infections, sexually-transmitted diseases).

Nutritional sustenance to Aids suffers.

Home care to the seriously ill.

Molecular biology laboratories to monitor antiretroviral therapy