Residenz, Vier-Schimmel-Saal

September 11: Religions in Dialogue for Peace
September 12 2011 09:00 ▾program
- Chairperson
Patriarch of the Syrian Catholic Church
- Contribution
Rabbi of Frankfurt, Germany
• La preghiera come fonte della pace di Avichai Rabbino Apel IT | DE
Orthodox Metropolitan, Romanian Patriarchate
Evangelical Bishop, Germany
• La preghiera: sorgente di pace di Christian Schmidt IT | DE
Archabbot of St. Ottilien, Germany
Former President of the International Red Cross Committee, Switzerland
• La preghiera alla radice della pace di Cornelio Sommaruga
President of the World Bosniak Congress, Bosnia and Herzegovina
September 12 2011 16:00 ▾program
- Chairperson
Greek Catholic Bishop, Romania
• Le Religioni ed il valore della vita di Virgil Bercea IT | DE
- Contribution
Supreme Shiite Islamic Council, Lebanon
Anuvrat Global Organization, Jainism, India
• Ahimsa (nonviolence) as An Eternal Value of Life in the Jain Religious Tradition by Sohan Lal Gandhi IT | EN
Catholic Bishop, Belgium
• Religions and the value of life by Leon Lemmens IT | EN
Rabbi, Advisor to the Central Consistory of France
Lutheran Bishop, Germany
Orthodox Metropolitan Bishop, Church of Cyprus
September 13 2011 09:00 ▾program
- Chairperson
Cardinal, Spain
- Contribution
Rabbi, Israel
Grand Imam of the Lahore Mosque, Pakistan
• The Blessing of Old Age by Mohammad Abdul Khabir Azad IT | EN
Lutheran Bishop, Germany
Soto Zen Buddhist monk, Japan
• “Il dono della vecchiaia di Shoten Minegishi IT | DE
Catholic Bishop, Germany
• Il dono della vecchiaia di Heinrich Mussinghoff IT | DE
Community of Sant'Egidio, Italy
• La profezia dell’amicizia con gli anziani e la Comunità di Sant’Egidio di Francesca Scambia
Orthodox Metropolitan Bishop, Romanian Patriarchate
• Le persone anziane, dono di Dio di Seraphim IT | DE | FR