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February 4 2015 | ROME, ITALY

Pope Francis to the bishops present in Rome with Sant'Egidio: "Look at the peripheries and the last"

Bishops from around the world, at a conference with the Community of Sant'Egidio, met the Pope at the general audience.

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From today until Saturday 7 February, a hundred bishops from all continents are present in Rome for the conference of the Community of Sant'Egidio "A prophetic people for a new humanism". This morning they participated in the general audience at the Vatican, sitting next to Pope Francis who, at the end, wanted to greet them one by one: "I am delighted to welcome you – he said in the Paul VI hall- I wish that you revive faith in the Lord and witness, with renewed enthusiasm, the Gospel tension towards the peripheries and towards the last".

There were bishops from Europe, from many African countries - from those where there is peace to those that live great difficulties such as Nigeria, Mali, Niger, Democratic Republic of Congo and Malawi, recently hit by floods - along with great nations of Asia, where Christian communities are in the minority - such as Indonesia and Pakistan - and the Middle East, with a significant presence from Syria at war. Among the representatives of Latin America at the conference of Sant'Egidio, also father Jesus Delgado was present, who was the secretary of Oscar Arnulfo Romero and welcomed with joy, here in Rome, with the Community, the news of the beatification of the Archbishop of San Salvador, a friend and defender of the poor, who was killed on 24 March 1980 before the altar.

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