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March 9 2015 | PARIS, FRANCE

Andrea Riccardi: Understanding Pope Francis

Presentation in Paris of the book on the pope who wants to change the Church and the world.

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Andrea Riccardi à la ProcureLast Thursday in Paris, Andrea Riccardi presented his book "Understanding Pope Francis" (in Italian Comprendere papa Francesco), published in France by Editions de l'Emmanuel. A book that emphasises the great novelty of Pope Francis, highlighting at the same time the consistency of thought and words of Cardinal Bergoglio.
In a first meeting in Librairie La Procure, Riccardi reflected with readers on the different aspects of the pontificate. The debate then continued in a lecture at the Collège des Bernardins, along with historian Alexandre Adler, Mons. Michel Santier, bishop of Créteil and Bernadette Sauvaget of the journal Libération. The conference was chaired by Jean-Pierre Denis, editor of the weekly La Vie.
Here Andrea Riccardi spoke of the "prophetic vision of Bergoglio become Francis", that of a pope who faces the crisis of Catholic thought in a Church inserted in the global world. The book therefore shows the great "human experience" of Bergoglio, from the megacity of Buenos Aires, globalised city where the Catholic Church lives the battle against the religions of prosperity.
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