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The meeting of the Communities of Sant'Egidio of the United States towards the Jubilee of Mercy

Gathered in Washington DC during Marco Impagliazzo’s visit. From the commitment against the death penalty and against the spread of weapons to a renewed solidarity with the poorest

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During Marco Impagliazzo’s visit, the meeting of the delegates of the Community of Sant'Egidio of the United States was held in Washington. The meeting reflected on the prospects following the recent visit of Pope Francis to the US, by expressing willingness to engage even more strongly for the abolition of the death penalty in the retentionist States, and to be closer to the elderly in homes and to the people living on the streets. They also reflected on the theme of migrants and how Sant'Egidio can be a place of integration for many Hispanic immigrants in the United States.

Faced with increasing violence and the number of deaths caused by the indiscriminate spread of weapons in the United States, the Community of Sant'Egidio decided to embark on a public campaign aimed at a more effective regulation of the possession and use of weapons, in particular among young people. The meeting days of Washington opened with the distribution of the dinner to the homeless and ended with the liturgy in the Nursing Home, an institution in Washington where the community regularly visits the elderly.

 The delegates from The US community
The distribution of the dinner to the homeless
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