At Mzuzu, the Communities of Northern Malawi gathered for a meeting with Marco Impagliazzo. They reflected on the value of friendship as a way to address the pessimism and resignation of many young Malawians. Friendship that, in recent years, has touched the lives of so many people in need such as children, the elderly and prisoners.
They highlighted in particular the condition of so many girls in the region who do not attend school because they are forced to work. In the same way that inhumane conditions in prisons have emerged (overcrowding, lack of hygiene and food), where the youth of the community go to visit the prisoners. It was decided to revive the schools of peace across the country to protect and support the poorest children.
In recent months, Malawi faces the crisis of refugees from Mozambique, due to political instability in the region of Tete. More than 15,000 Mozambican refugees are now living in Malawi in non-equipped camps in extreme poverty.
The Community will stand with these people in the coming days. From South to North of Malawi shows the desire and enthusiasm to be a friendship people "miracle friendship", according to the 3 P indicated by Pope Francis: prayer, the poor and peace.