Spring has almost arrived in Moscow, despite the temperatures still remain below 10 degrees and occasionally snows. For many homeless winter seems not to end and there are many people who, every year, die on the street. We don't want to forget them, that's why the Community of Sant'Egidio in Moscow since 2006 organizes a prayer in memory of the first homeless friend, Lilia, who died from cold 11 years ago, and of all those who lost their lives in recent years.

The prayer took place in the parish of Saints Cosmas and Damian, where every week the friends of Sant'Egidio prepare meals to be distributed in the streets of the city. After prayer a lunch was offered to the poor.
Many people participated in this event that has become a tradition for many poor and for those who are not indifferent to the problems of the homless. The prayer for Lilia and for all those who died on the streets opened the calendar of events organized on the occasion of the 1st "Homeless Day", organized by different associations of Moscow on March 27.
