Friday, August 4, 2017 was a memorable time for the Community of Sant'Egidio Yogyakarta because one of the service places was used as the location of Exposure 7th Asian Youth Day. The event entitled Joyful Asian Youth: Living The Gospel in Multicultural Society of Asia, invited 40 participants to visit the School of Peace Block O, Wonocatur, Yogyakarta. They are AYD7 delegates from Episcopal Conference of Indonesia, Timor Leste, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea, Hongkong and India. The event was opened with the introduction of Patricia Meta, representing the person in charge Community of Sant’Egidio Yogyakarta about the Community of Sant'Egidio, the role of youth in realizing peaceful world and the importance of peace network among youth in Asia. Aloysius Do Carmo Sobak as the person in charge of the School of Peace Block O explained about the School of Peace Block O and provided the participants with the opportunity to be in a dynamic.
The event continued with lunch themed Angkringan Jogja and dancing to the local song and Jingle 7th Asian Youth Day. AYD7 delegates from Episcopal Conference of Indonesia are given the opportunity to meet, recognize and tell stories with our friends of the street as well as parents of the children of School of Peace. AYD7 delegates from Episcopal Conference of abroad are invited to play and coloring with the children of the School of Peace. Some of them was constrained by language, but they remained enthusiastic to build friendships with friends of the community on the streets and the School of Peace. Jimmy, AYD7 delegates from Episcopal Conference of India said that he was very impressed with the spirit of the Community of Sant'Egidio to continue serving the marginalized, poor and homeless people. He also said that the Community of Sant’Egidio gives a lot of inspiration to young people. Estonia, AYD7 delegates from Episcopal Conference of Timor Leste admitted very happy and enjoy to join the coloring activities with friends in School of Peace. She was amazed by the spirit that the brothers and sisters had in the School of Peace. Some participants helped the woman as well as garbage collector to sort out plastic waste. Trash will be sold then recycled. They were very enthusiastic to help. They laughed together. Testimonials were given by our street friends and children the School of Peace. They are very grateful, happy, and never expected to be visited by many young people from many places in Indonesia and from abroad. Exposure of The School of Peace teaches young people to be more courageous to make friendships by breaking down walls and self-obstructions. Growing with diversity in friendships is an effort to bring about peaceful world.
The event which was attended by Mgr. Aloysius Murwito, OFM from Diocese of Agats in Papua is approved to bring inspiration to many young people. In his short talk, Mgr. Aloysius Murwito, OFM expressed his salute to see the solidarity, passion and diversity that exist in the Community of Sant'Egidio. He was amazed to see young people from various ethnic backgrounds, and religion gathered and determined to serve others in the suburbs. In his short reflection, he also expressed his gratitude to the Community of Sant'Egidio for giving a lot of inspiration to the young AYD participants. The Community of Sant'Egidio is both a witness and an agent of peace efforts that is not only talked about in the forum, but directly does something. The Community of Sant'Egidio can be used as a comparative study site of other communities about the spirit of serving limitless.
The event was closed with a short reflection from Frater Arif, followed by a photo with the participants and the School of Peace Block O. Delivering the AYD participants back home, children of the School of Peace distributed key chains and bookmarks to the participants. Participants were also asked to provide a signature of support for a network of peace among youth in Asia. Hopefully this Asian Network Youth for Peace can be formed and more and more young people brave to serve and ruin the barrier walls.