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October 7 2011 | HAVANA, CUBA

Havana (Cuba) - Improving the quality of life of the elderly and promoting a new culture that involves them: a conference with the people in charge of the Cuban Capital's community health services.

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On 30th September 2011, in Havana, the second edition of "Catedra Vivan los ancianos" was held. The conference was held at the "Hogar de ancianos Gomez Gendra", a nursing home where the Community of Sant'Egidio has been active for 15 years, supporting and defending the life of the elderly, and it was addressed to the people in charge of all the nursing homes for elderly people in the capital, as well as to the medical and health staff who care for lonely aged men and women.

The conference was attended by 70 public health professionals and it covered the main themes connected to the improvement of the overall life quality of elderly people, offering ideas as to how to make the most of them in Cuba. These themes were developed also by communicating the wealth of experience and sensitivity of the Community of Sant'Egidio.


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