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Letter from Goma, Congo: We are the spokesperson of poor and neglected elderly of the outskirts

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Friends of the elderly all over the world: we can see it from these pictures and stories from Goma, in Congo.

"Our Community of Sant'Egidio in Goma has been close to the poor and neglected elderly for a very long time. We take care of 65 elderly. Among them there is this couple, completely abandoned, who live in a poor neighborhood in the outskirts of the city. The man is paralyzed, the woman has difficulty walking, threfore she can just ask the neighborhood for food, water and clothing to survive.

It's love that drove us to help them, so we became their "spokesperson", who go door to door asking support for them. We sincerely thank all those who open their gates to give us what we asked for the elderly.

Here in Goma the Community of Sant'Egidio has a nice service with the elderly, we feed them, we bring them water and clean clothes. It's nice to take care of these friends.

The Bible says that one day the Lord will ask us what we did to our brother. This is why we go around in the outskirts and we see with our own eyes the misery in which people live.
We visit them every Sunday at 2 pm: let's work together, join us!"

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