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June 8 2012 | ROME, ITALY

The Mitre of Most Rev. Archbishop Padovese is donated to the Basilica of San Bartolomeo in Rome.

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Last Tuesday, 5th June, a Eucharistic Liturgy was celebrated on the second anniversary of Archbishop Luigi Padovese’s death. Most Rev. Padovese, Archbishop of Smyrna and Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia, was killed for his commitment in favour of dialogue and peace on 3rd June 2010 at Iskerdurun, in Turkey.

The liturgy was celebrated by Brother Mauro Jöhri, the General Minister of the Order of Capuchin Friar Minors, the order Most Rev. Pavese belonged to. During the liturgy Archbishop Pavese’s Mitre was laid on the altar gathering the memories of the witnesses of faith in Asia and Oceania.


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September 21 2017

'At the School of Peace' is now in Italian bookshops: a book that gives a voice to thousands of children in the global world.

September 1 2017

September 1st, memory of Saint Egidio. The Community that took his name give thanks in every part of the world

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June 11 2017

At a prayer at Old S.Patrick Cathedral Sant'Egidio remembers those who lost their life for guns in the US in 2017

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April 22 2017

Pope Francis' prayer in memory of the martyrs of our time. Photogallery of the visit

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April 22 2017

Pope Francis in the basilica St. Bartholomew prays with the Community of Sant'Egidio in memory of the New Martyrs

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April 19 2017

Pope Francis in prayer with the New Martyrs in the basilica of St. Bartholomew on the next April 22

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February 26 2018
Roma sette

Congo e Sud Sudan, Gnavi: «La liberazione ha il nome di Gesù»

February 22 2018
Famiglia Cristiana

La preghiera sia un urlo contro le guerre

February 21 2018

Giornata preghiera e digiuno: Comunità di Sant’Egidio, adesione all’invito del Papa. Veglia nella basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere a Roma e in molte città italiane

February 18 2018
Il Mattino di Padova

La memoria è un presidio di umanità contro l’indifferenza

February 3 2018
La Repubblica - Ed. Roma

Roma, Sant'Egidio: messa in memoria Modesta, clochard morta perché troppo sporca

February 2 2018

Senza dimora: Comunità Sant’Egidio, domenica memoria di Modesta Valenti nella basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere

the entire press review
January 23 2018 | BARCELONA, SPAIN

Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos


L'omelia di Mons. Marco Gnavi alla preghiera Morire di Speranza, in memoria dei profughi morti nei viaggi verso l'Europa

Preghiera per Elard Alumando

Ahmad Al Tayyeb - Oriente e Occidente - Dialoghi di civiltà - Parigi 2016

Andrea Riccardi - Oriente e Occidente - Dialoghi di civiltà

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