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Sant'Egidio Anniversary in Pretoria

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Sunday, March 3 in Pretoria, in the chapel of the University, Archbishop William Sluttery celebrated a Eucharistic liturgy in thanksgiving for the 45th anniversary of the Community of Sant'Egidio. It was attended by representatives of the Community of Johannesburg and Pretoria.

In his homily, among other things, the archbishop said: "Lent is an important time to deepen your vocation, which is to look for Jesus in the poor. Thank you for what you do in this diocese and in South Africa. Visit the elderly, the homeless near you, raising children in the School of Peace is the way to truly live the Christian vocation: I am proud that there is the Community of Sant'Egidio in my diocese." Then aiming at university students present he also said: "I invite all of you to consider the possibility of joining the Community of Sant'Egidio."

At the end of the celebration, Querisha Southon, on behalf of the Community, in particular thanked Bishop Sluttery for his paternal closeness and encouragement, emphasizing his presence - every year since he was Bishop of Pretoria - in the Christmas dinner the Community of Sant'Egidio organizes for the poor.

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