Saturday, May 18, at the first Pentecost Vigil with Pope Francis, we celebrate the 'Day of the movements, new communities, associations and lay groups'. One of the highlights of the Year of Faith, in which representatives of communities and movements of the Catholic Church from all over the world will gather in San Pietro. PROGRAMME OF THE VIGIL OF PENTECOST
Among the testimonies of faith that will be present on the square, there will be that of Paul Bhatti, brother of Shahbaz, the Pakistani minister for minorities, so close to the Community of Sant'Egidio, who was killed on March 2, 2011, on the very eve of some important meetings organized with the Community as a sign of harmony between religions for the pacification of civic life in Pakistan.
During these years the Community of Sant'Egidio has kept the memory of Shahbaz Bhatti alive. A month after his death, his brother Paul took his Bible to Rome, which is kept in the Church of San Bartolomeo al Isola, the memorial of the New Martyrs. TLTHE BIBLE OF SHAHBAZ BHATTI IN SAINT BARTOLOMEW

The book "Shabhaz Bhatti, Life and Martyrdom of a Christian in Pakistan," which has recently been published in French, is dedicated to him.