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5 Julho 2010

Church group puts fears of conversions to rest

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Religious singing during the retreat Indonesians once thought the local branch of an international Church association serving the poor was out to proselytize Muslims, said its regional head.

People initially believed the Community of Sant’Egidio’s charitable activities were a means of religious conversion, Valeria Martano, the community’s Asia-Pacific coordinator told

However, the community overcame such suspicions “through our dialogue and friendship with poor people,” said the Italian woman.

Martano was speaking on the sidelines of a July 1-3 retreat the community organized in Cipayung, West Java, and which was attended by 60 Catholics including bishops and Religious.

“What is most important is that through our charity services, we spread love and become a family,” she said.

The community also makes it a point to contact village heads and local Muslim leaders before offering help to people.

In fact, many have already heard about the community and its mission, “which is based on the spirituality of Saint Francis of Assisi,” said Martano.

The laywoman told retreatants how the local Sant’Egidio community befriended an impoverished 11-year-old boy a few years ago in a market in Padang, West Sumatra.

“He did not have anything,” said Martano. The boy later joined the Church community where he experienced care and support.

“Poor people from different religious background are the community’s friends, brothers and sisters, and family,” said Martano.

The community, whose mission is service to the poor, ecumenism and dialogue, started in Rome, Italy, in 1968. Today it has 50,000 members in more than 70 countries.

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