<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Down with the grey - Dipinti e disegni di artisti disabili
Down with the grey! in Strasbourg
Illustrated catalogue
Visit the exhibition online
Down with the grey! 2002
- Rome
- Würzburg
- Movies
- Virtual tour
- Press rewiew
Down with the grey! 2001
Guinea Bissau:
an hospital for Africa
The mentally disabled:
friends without limits
Down with the grey! Paintings and drawings of disabled artists
For the occasion of the European Year of People with Disabilities,
"The Friends" will display a selection of their works at the
European Parliament from 22 to 24 September 2003.
A delegation of "The Friends" coming from different European
cities will be in Strasbourg to present their works.

Connected with this event, on Tuesday, 23 September,
there will be a Press Conference at 6.00 pm with, among others,
Walter Veltroni (City Mayor of Roma and European MP) and the spokesperson of the Community of Sant'Egidio, Mario Marazziti. 

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