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July 13 2010

Haiti – Life starts again in the school Lakay Mwen, in Port au Prince

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Haiti – Life starts again in the school Lakay Mwen, in Port au Prince
July 12 2010

Six months are passed by the terrible earthquake which destroyed Haiti. The overall situation is not getting better, even if the streets are still plenty of rubble and the majority of the population spend their nights in tents. On the other hand, food, water and basic medical treatments are accessible to the vast majority of the population despite a number of obstacles in distributing them.

The Community of Sant’Egidio never stopped begin close to those who were suffering due to the earthquake. Beside the distribution of goods in several areas in the island, the Community put its effort to re-open the school Laky Mwen, in the surrounding areas of Port au Prince, where a number of children and teenagers under the long distance adoption programme live.

The offers of the “long distance parents” were used to buy desks and several big tents and to build roofing in sheet metal to create the classrooms. A rudimentary but well organised beginning in the month of March, for both the primary and secondary school.
The kitchen opened at the same time to guarantee the children with a nutrient and rich daily meal.
This is only the first thing supported: the planned projects include the kitchens and the stores restructuring, the rooms able to host classes to create working expertise, an IT room and a medical and eye centre.

Adozioni a distanza

September 20 2017

Let us help Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

The Community of Sant'Egidio launches a fundraising campaign to send humanitarian aid to the refugee camps in Bangladesh, in collaboration with the local Church
IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA
October 31 2016

Sant'Egidio in Iraq: humanitarian aid and national and interreligious dialogue to overcome the crisis

Drug supplies, tents, electrical generators and water tanks, are reaching the country after the agreement between Sant'Egidio and Iraqi authorities was signed
IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | RU
July 8 2016

The aid of Sant'Egidio Malawi arrives at the refugee camp of Luwani, where thousands of Mozambicans live

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July 4 2016

Humanitarian aid in Libya after the agreement signed at Sant'Egidio: the first container of medicines has been delivered

at the hospital of Ubari, in the south of the country. The aid is the result of collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and the World Food Program of Brindisi.
IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA | HU
February 11 2016

Emergency Burundi: departure of another container of aid for the victims of the food crisis

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA
January 15 2016

Sant'Egidio sends humanitarian aid to El Salvador, hit by an epidemic of chikungunya

The shipment was made in collaboration with the Customs of Genoa and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA | RU
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Long Distance Adoption Secretariat
Community of Sant'Egidio
Mon-Thu-Fri 9.30am - 1.30 pm
Tel. +39.06.5814217

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