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August 20 2010

From Haiti to Rome: the new life of two elderly, victims of the earthquake, accommodated in the home for elderly people of the Community in Rome

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From Haiti to Rome: the new life of two elderly, victims of the earthquake, accommodated in the home for elderly people of the Community in Rome
20 August 2010

From the first days of July  two elderly of Haiti - Remilia and Jean Du Bonheur, respectively 72 and 74 years old, are guests of the home for elderly people "Long Live the elderly!" of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome. They lived at Port au Prince, where their house was completely destroyed by the earthquake.  

The son, who has been living in Italy for more than three years, having no news from them, two days after the first earthquake shakes went to seek them. He found them alive, but lacking everything, like most of the population.  

After a month spent helping the people of the place, the son decided to bring his parents to Italy.

After a short time in which they have been accommodated by his employer, they have asked help from the Community of Sant'Egidio, who welcomed them in the home for elderly people "Long Live the elderly!" of Rome.  

Their arrival in the house was greeted with great affection by the other elderly, who had been deeply participating the concern for the events of Haiti, where the Community is continuing its work helping the victims of the earthquake.  

Remilia only speaks Creole but succeeds to communicate with everyonr through gestures that demonstrate her happiness and her desire to transmit gratitude.

Her husband Jean, instead, almost completely blind, speaks some French, because of earlier studies.  In Haiti, until few years ago, he had been working as tailor.

Remilia helps to care for the garden, she learned to go to the baker's who gives them fresh bread all days, but one easily  meets them together just at the entrance of the house, sitting on the sofa to meet and greet everyone that arrives, happy of this new life initiated after the terrible earthquake that troubled their land.

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