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August 31 2010

La Habana (Cuba) - A Day of study on subjects of ageing: "Elderly people, without love, die"

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La Habana (Cuba) - A Day of study on subjects of ageing: "Elderly people, without love, die"
31 August 2010

The Community of Sant´Egidio of La Habana in collaboration with the Hogar De ancianos "Gomez Gendra", an institute for elderly of the Cuban capital, has organized the first session of the Seminar "Elderly people,without love, die", that had the presence of all of the directors of the institutes for elderly of the town, accompanied by about 80 doctors, psychologists and health care staff.

The Day of study confronted the problem of the demographic ageing and of the reality of solitude of the elderly, that needs an answer on both human and spiritual level.  

At the conclusion of the meeting it was read the manifesto of the movement "Long live the elderly!", that represents also for Cuba a proposal to unleash energies of solidarity among and for the elderly people.  

The subjects treated raised broad interest towards the Community and its work.  The meetings will be repeated every other month.


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