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Les arrivées des premiers couloirs humanitaires 2018 en Italie. La nouvelle phase du projet, devenu un modèle d'accueil et d'intégration pour l'Europe

"PAIX SUR TOUTES LES TERRES" : 1er janvier, une marche pour un monde qui sache accueillir et intégrer

Le premier jour de l'année nouvelle, manifestations sur tous les continents pour soutenir le message du pape François

De l'Indonésie au Salvador, de l'Allemagne au Mozambique, voici les nouvelles galeries d'images des repas de Noël de Sant'Egidio dans le monde

Des photos continuent d'affluer de tous les continents, regardez-les sur notre carte interactive!

Galerie de photos et vidéos du repas de Noël à Santa Maria in Trastevere

Visite virtuelle de la crèche de Sant'Egidio : Jésus accueilli par les pauvres, les malades, les sans logis et les hommes de toutes confessions

Sant'Egidio et la Muhammadiyah signent à Djakarta un nouvel accord pour la paix et le dialogue interreligieux

une délégation de la Communauté menée par Marco Impagliazzo se trouve en Indonésie

Sant'Egidio au conseil de sécurité de l'ONU pour un point sur la République centrafricaine

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Donner à manger aux personnes âgées au Mozambique : distribuitions d'aides alimentaires aux plus pauvres dans la ville de Beira

Aidons les réfugiés rohingyas au Bangladesh

La Communauté de Sant’Egidio lance une collecte de fonds pour envoyer des aides dans les camps de réfugiés au Bangladesh, en collaboration avec l’Eglise locale

Tous les textes de la rencontre #Pathsofpeace

L'assemblée d'inauguration de la rencontre internationale Chemins de Paix

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Le programme, les intervenants et les événements en direct streaming

Global friendship, #MoreYouthMorePeace : le message et l’engagement des Jeunes pour la paix à Barcelone

rendez-vous l’année prochaine à Rome !

version imprimable
10 Septembre 2012 09:30 | Priests’ House (Conference Hall)

intervention of Heinrich Kreft

Heinrich Kreft

Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Allemagne

  • Germany today is home to about 16 million people with an immigrant background. Their integration continues to be a key task for our government.
  • Our society should be characterized by respect, mutual trust, shared responsibility and a sense of community. Therefore, the Federal Government attaches great importance to strengthening social cohesion in our co1.mtry.
  • In recent decades, Gem1any has become more religiously and culturally diverse, above all as a result of immigration by people from predominantly Muslim countries.
  • Approximately four million Muslims now live in Germany (most of them are of Turkish origin). Almost half of these hold German citizenship. Therefore, the German Government attaches great importance to promoting and strengthening intercultural dialogue.
  • The German Islam Conference (DIK) is the first institutionalized dialogue between representatives of the German state and representatives of Muslims living in Germany. The DIK was launched in 2006 by then-Interior Minister Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble. It is considered to be the most important forum between the Gem1an state ru1d Muslims living in Germru1y.
  • The primary aim of the German Islam Conference is to improve the dialogue between the state ru1d Muslims in Germany, thereby making a contribution to the social integration of Muslims into German society. The DIK also aims to strengthen cohesion an1id growing religious diversity and to counteract social polarisation and segregation.
  • According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, there are approximately 540,000 Muslims in Germany who come from the countries of the former Yugoslavia, mostly from Bosnia. Bosnians are the second largest group of Muslims (14% of all Muslims) in Germany.
  • Approximately 89 per cent of Bosnians in Germany consider themselves to be religious or very religious but they rarely attend religious events. Bosnians in Germany have successfully integrated into German society.
  • Bosnian Islam has a long history of co-existing alongside Christians. The separation of state ru1d religion has been a reality for Bosnian Muslims since 1878. In addition, they have developed a transparent organisational structure. The structure of Islam in Bosnia is replicated in Gem1any.
  • The "Islamic Community of Bosnians in Germany" (IGBD) has been invited to participate in the second phase of the German Islam Conference so that Bosnian Muslims are now also represented in the Conference.
  • The IGBD is the federal umbrella organisation of Muslim Bosnians and was founded in 1994 (formerly: VIGB e. V - Vereinigung islamischer Gemeinden der Bosniaken in Deutschland [Association of Islamic communities of Bosnians in Germany]. Mustafa Efendi Klanco has been the Chairnum and mufti of the IGBD since 2007.
  • The IGBD considers itself as a foreign branch of the Islamic community in Bosnia-Herzogovina and is represented by two delegates in the "General Assembly" (sabor) of the Islamic community in Bosnia-Herzogovina.
  • Today in Germany there are 65 Bosnian mosque communities and cultural centres with around 30,000 members who belong to IGBD. Most of these mosques have permanent imams appointed by the IGBD. An important subject in the second phase of the German Islam Conference is setting up and establishing Islamic theology courses at German universities with the aim of training Islan1ic theologians, imams and Islamic religious studies teachers in Germany. The IGBD will certainly be able to contribute much experience in this area.
  • The spiritual leader of the Bosnians is Dr Mustafa Efendi Ceric whose work and efforts have been recognized and appreciated in Germany. He was awarded the Theodor Heuss prize in 2007 for his efforts to promote the integration of Muslims in European society and peaceful dialogue between religions. He also received the Eugen Biser prize in 2008 for his commitment to inter-faith dialogue.


Message du pape pour la rencontre à Sarajevo
Benoît XVI

Programme in English


24 Janvier 2018

"La puissance de l'Eglise de Jésus est une force désarmée qui arrête le mal."

Prédication du pasteur Paolo Ricca pour la Semaine de Prière pour l'Unité des Chrétiens
IT | FR | HU
18 Octobre 2017

Un mois après la rencontre des religions à Münster, les Chemins de paix ont traversé quatre continents

Sur la photo, l'événement à Blantyre, Malawi. Voir les photos et vidéos des autres rencontres
IT | ES | DE | FR | RU
26 Septembre 2017

Prière pour la paix en Côte d’Ivoire : la rencontre interreligieuse #PathsofPeace mise en œuvre par Sant’Egidio à Abidjan

IT | FR | HU
22 Septembre 2017

Tous les textes de la rencontre #Pathsofpeace

IT | EN | ES | FR | CA
15 Septembre 2017

En vidéo, les interventions de la table ronde "Faire la paix" à la rencontre internationale #PathsofPeace

14 Septembre 2017

Aux racines du terrorisme. VIDEO

IT | EN | FR
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Comment suivre l'événement
Sarajevo 2012

Si Ringrazia