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November 8 2011

Burkina Faso – Visit of the Minister for Territorial Administration at the formation courses for civil registrars

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Burkina Faso – Visit of the Minister for Territorial Administration at the formation courses for civil registrars
Ouagadougou, 2 november 2011

bravo! corso di formazione per agenti di stato civile in Burkina FasoToday the minister for Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security, Jerome Bogouma, met the 120 participants of the formation course on civil registration, organized by the BRAVO! Programme, in collaboration with the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security and the Ministry of Justice. At the end of the ceremony he delivered the participation certificates to the civil registrars of the first course upon its successful conclusion. Also present were the provincial officers of the civil registration of the whole country, who started the same formation course today.

The strengthening of the system of civil registration is an “important priority for the country”, sustained by the BRAVO! Programme which provides formation of the personnel on themes such as the universal and free registration of births and other relevant topics connected to state registration. Particular attention to the needs of the population is a fundamental characteristic of the BRAVO! Programme, whose main goal is to create a system of civil registration in the entire country.

The formation courses are enhancing the human and professional resources of the civil registrars, helping them to build up a good working network of civil registration. At the end of the first session of formation one of the participants declared: “Thanks to the formation course I became a competent agent and I think I am able to accomplish my mission with ease. At the end of this course I feel that I am well prepared. From now on I will fight for everybody to be registered and for the people of my village to become aware of the importance of civil registration”.