"Dear brothers and sisters, with this prayer, as we invoke the Lord of peace throughout Nigeria, we would like to make the entire Nigerian people feel the embrace of the Community of Sant'Egidio, an embrace of friendship, solidarity and closeness", these were the words of mons. Vincenzo Paglia during the prayer in memory of the victims of violence and terrorism in Nigeria, which was held yesterday in Santa Maria in Trastevere. Francis Chukwuemeka Okeke, Nigeria's Ambassador to the Holy See, was also present and thanked the community for its support and closeness at such a difficult time.
The news of the release of Vanessa Marzullo and Greta Ramelli, the two Italian girls kidnapped in Syria, gives hope also for the many Nigerian girls abducted by the fanatics of Boko Haram. "We want to collect and make our own the cry of pain of Nigeria so that it is heard and not forgotten", said mons.Vincenzo Paglia, who added, "Yes, here today we all feel Nigerians, all tied to the dream of peace and of the encounter between peoples".
Interview with Marco Impagliazzo:
"Closeness and support to those that suffer"
(in Italian)