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September 11 2017 | MÜNSTER, GERMANY

The memory of the massacre of Debre Lebanos in Ethiopia carried out by the Italians. Ian Campbell: "We need to keep alive the memory, we cannot lower our watch"


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At the round table "Martyrdom: a Matter of Memory and a Reality for Christians" duringt the interreligious gathering "Paths of Peace" organised by the Community of Sant'Egidio in Münster (10-12 settembre), professor Ian Campbell of the University of Addis Abeba recalled the Ethiopian christian martyrs killed during the fascist occupation (1936-41): “The most inhumane massacre was that of the monastery of Debre Libanos, in which also the bishop Abuna Petros was killed. He died while holding the Cross to his chest. He was one of the first christian martyrs in this massacre, followed by 2,000 pilgrims and monks.

To professor Campbell “knowing this story serves to question the present day: in this way the martyrs will not have died in vain. We mst keep the memory alive and never lower our watch”.

To learn more (IT):

Nell’80° della strage di Debre Libanos, restituire all'Etiopia i beni trafugati, di Andrea Riccardi

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