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August 24 2012 | BLANTYRE, MALAWI

Summer with Sant'Egidio at the nutritional center "John Paul II" of Blantyre

1,000 children daily receive food, friendship and care

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Estate di solidarietà al Centro Nutrizionale Giovanni Paolo II di BlantyreAt the Nutritional Centre John Paul II, in the village of Machinjiri, a few kilometers from Blantyre, since June 2010 about 1,000 children eat every day.

For many children in this poor area on the outskirts of the city, to have a place to get a hot meal daily, spend a few quiet hours playing in the beautiful park and being looked after by the operators has become a tradition and is an important contribution to the growth and education for the children of the whole district.
In these months in which the school is closed for the holidays, the presence of young friends from Europe has allowed the children to live really special days.

Throughout the month of July and August the children were involved in many activities on the themes of friendship and peace, group games, songs and parties.

Estate di solidarietà al Centro Nutrizionale Giovanni Paolo II di BlantyreThe presence of new grown up friends makes children happy and helps local caregivers to learn more and more how to be attentive to their needs and how to educate to peace and coexistence and thus contribute to the development and growth of a new generation.

About 600 children stayed every afternoon after lunch to prepare for the Feast of the Rainbow Country.

The children organized and then performed a real Musical: the smaller ones with songs and dances and a group of teenagers have ventured into acting.

The party was also attended by the movement of Youth for Peace of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Soche and Nthawira and the children of the School of Peace of Nthawira.

Their songs and their enthusiasm have enriched the afternoon, that was concluded with a common snack.

Estate di solidarietà al Centro Nutrizionale Giovanni Paolo II di Blantyre Estate di solidarietà al Centro Nutrizionale Giovanni Paolo II di Blantyre
Estate di solidarietà al Centro Nutrizionale Giovanni Paolo II di Blantyre Estate di solidarietà al Centro Nutrizionale Giovanni Paolo II di Blantyre


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