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October 15 2012 | MANILA, PHILIPPINES

Inauguration of the Community House of Sant'Egidio in the Philippines

The New House of the Community of Sant’Egidio

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October 13, the house of the Community of Sant’Egidio was inaugurated in the Heart of Metro Manila, in the City of Mandaluyong, one of the municipalities that comprise Metro Manila in the Philippines. This new space of the Community was opened at the presence of many friends, young people, priest and community officials in an atmosphere of a joyful feast.



Mayor Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos and  Ambassador Luca Fornari take part in the inauguration. The house blessing was graced by Fr. Hector Attard.


Today is the Day! A joyful day for our Community of Sant Egidio in Manila because it finally has found a new place, a new house, a new home where to gather and to meet. It is an important event in the life of community because it will and surely allows the Community to grow and to place its roots in Manila even more. This new home is a place where we can pray together, and  work for the poor, where we can plan on how to better communicate the Gospel without being scattered all over this huge city of Manila. 

The new house of the community is more spacious and has welcoming space. A good area to host the School of peace and young people, welcoming the poorest and the weakest ones, the children and the elderly of the surrounding area.  



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