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February 13 2013 | MANILA, PHILIPPINES

Celebration of the Anniversary of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Manila

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The Community of Sant’Egidio in Manila celebrated the 45th Anniversary of the Community with an Holy Mass in the sanctuary dedicated to Mary Queen of Peace in EDSA. The main celebrant was H. E. Bishop Broderick Pabillo. EDSA Shrine – which is also the venue of the weekly prayer of the Community of Sant’Egidio – is a special place for the Philippine people, because it reminds the non-violent marches crowded by millions of Catholics, culminated with the end of dictatorship.
During the Holy Liturgy, attended by hundreds of people, Bishop Pabillo expressed his gratitude to the Lord for the existence of Sant’Egidio, which faithfully supports the Church in the Philippines as well as all over the world.
“The Community of Sant’Egidio” – he said – “lives its commitment towards the poor with generosity, considering them as its own brothers and sisters in every scope, therefore showing the real power of God and the fact that nothing is impossible to Him”.
The Bishop has then pointed out that Jesus doesn’t want to operate in a isolated manner, on the contrary He has called his disciples to form a community, showing since the beginning of His mission that one can not be saved by himself/herself.
After the Holy Mass there was a party with many participants, among whose children of the “School of Peace”, teenagers, but also those who promote the “Cities for life” initiatives, that involve several cities in the Philippines, aimed to the abolition of death penalty worldwide.



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