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November 15 2002

Livorno - "Long Live Africa" a Book realised by the Children of the School of Peace

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Little voices confront themselves with the big problems of the world. The book "Long Live Africa" is the fruit of a collective work done by the children of the School of Peace in Livorno: it was presented on Saturday November 9th. The text, with its educational boxes, has been adopted by some schools and the revenue from its selling will be devoted to the anti-AIDS program of the Community.

October 5 2017

October 5th, World Teachers' Day 2017: Let everyone go to school... of language, culture, and peace!

IT | EN | ID
September 21 2017

'At the School of Peace' is now in Italian bookshops: a book that gives a voice to thousands of children in the global world.

July 18 2017

Berlin's youth message to Europe: No More Walls

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July 13 2017

Let's fill the gap with the poor: Sant'Egidio in Lilongwe renewes the commitment of the poorest in Malawi

IT | EN | ES | DE | NL | ID
November 16 2016

Uganda: big news for the refugee children at the School of Peace in Nyumanzi

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October 13 2016

A delegation of the Community of Sant'Egidio meets the President of the Central African Republic Touadéra

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | RU | HU
all the news
March 13 2018

Flucht, Abi, Studium

February 21 2018
Vatican Insider

Sant’Egidio si unisce alla Giornata di digiuno per Congo e Sud Sudan indetta dal Papa

February 7 2018
Il Secolo XIX

Nessuno è troppo piccolo per aiutare

January 16 2018

Lamiabuonanotizia. Le mamme rom aiutano quelle d’Africa

January 11 2018
La Repubblica - Ed. Napoli

Ragazzi violenti servono nuovi modelli

January 8 2018

Alfano chiude missione in Africa al centro ‘Dream’ di Conakry (sant’Egidio)

the entire press review
January 23 2018 | ROME, ITALY

Presentazione del libro ''Alla Scuola della Pace. Educare i bambini in un mondo globale''

January 17 2018 | NAPLES, ITALY

Presentazione del libro ''Alla Scuola della Pace - Educare i bambini in un mondo globale''

January 15 2018 | ROME, ITALY

Presentazione del libro ''Alla Scuola della Pace, Educare i bambini in un mondo globale''


The Goal of a DREAM

Jean Asselborn

Discours du Vice-Premier ministre, ministre des Affaires étrangères Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Jean ASSELBORN

Marc Spautz

Discorso di Marc Spautz, ministro della Cooperazione del Lussemburgo

Impagliazzo Marco

Marco Impagliazzo: Afrique: terre d’opportunités

Andrea Riccardi

Saluto di Andrea Riccardi in ricordo di Ana Maria Muhai

Rossella Rizzi

Un sogno per l'Africa

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