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January 31 2014 | ROME, ITALY

We celebrate today the anniversary of the death of Modesta, a homeless woman

Sunday 2 February, in the liturgy in Santa Maria in Trastevere, the memory of all those who, like her, lived and died in extreme poverty. A memory that will be celebrated also in other areas in Rome and other cities. All the appointments on the website

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For over thirty years, the Community of Sant'Egidio remembers the victims of the hard life in the streets, starting from the death of Modesta Valenti, a 71 years old homeless woman, who lived near the main train station in Rome, where she had a shelter for sleeping in the night.

On January 31 1983 Modesta felt sick just inside the train station, but the ambulance crew who received the call didn't take her on board because, due to the conditions in which she lived, she was dirty and had lice.
Modesta died after hours of agony, waiting for someone who could help her.

Her death has left a profound mark on the friendship of the Community of Sant'Egidio with the homeless . For this, on the anniversary of her death, we remember in the liturgy all of our "friends on the street" who passed away, to whom the Community has been close friend, remembering each by name. With them, the Community, through the service of the soupkitchen, delivering of the food on the streets, the places of hospitality, has established over the years relations of proximity and familiarity, in an attempt to improve the difficult conditions of their lives.

The memory of Modesta and all the friends on the street, from Rome has reached many places where the Community is close to those who live and die homeless.

Aversa (CE)
(Other appointmens will be published in the coming days)

Liturgy in memory of Modesta, 2013 - Rome

Procession at Termini Station, 2013 - Rome

Liturgy in memory of Modesta, 2013 - Barcelona

Liturgy in memory of Modesta, 2013 - Genoa

Liturgy in memory of Modesta, 2013 - Naples

Liturgy in memory of Modesta, 2013 - Turin

The memory of Modesta: previous years

2013   |   2012   |   2011   |   2010   |   2009


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