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President of the Council Matteo Renzi visits the DREAM centre of Sant'Egidio in Maputo

DREAM a model of cooperation that gives hope and a future to Mozambique and it is the best face of Italy

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Last 19 July, Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi went on a state visit to Mozambique accompanied by a delegation of Italian entrepreneurs. After meeting with President of Mozambique Armando Emilio Guebuza, President Renzi visited in Maputo the "Centro para a Crianca" one of the ten centres of the DREAM programme that the Community of Sant'Egidio manages in the country.

The visit took place in a climate of great celebration, the DREAM activists and the children, who, thanks to the programme, were born healthy from HIV-positive mothers, welcomed the Prime Minister with singing and dancing. Matteo Renzi expressed interest in the various components of the programme: from the treatment of AIDS to the molecular diagnostics to the problem of malnutrition, which is still very widespread in the country. In the waiting room of the Centre, he was also held with a group of small patients with whom he talked and joked.
At the end of the visit the President greeted and thanked one by one all the health staff of the centre, the activists and a group of volunteers of the Community of Sant'Egidio from several Italian cities.

The prime minister thanked for the loyalty and the tireless work of Sant'Egidio for peace in Mozambique and for the Dream Programme, especially for the satisfaction of many mothers that saw their children be born healthy, free of AIDS. A model of cooperation that gives hope and a future to Mozambique and it is the best face of Italy.

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