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The challenge of communicating the Gospel to a changing society: Andrea Riccardi visits the Communities in Mozambique

Representatives from across the country gathered at a convention in Maputo in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the Community of Sant'Egidio.

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These days some representatives of the communities of Sant'Egidio of Mozambique gathered in Maputo with Andrea Riccardi for a debate titled "Youthfulness of a story, an inheritance of a future of peace".

The meeting was an opportunity to reflect about the changes in the Mozambican society, on the perspective of the 50th anniversary of the Community.

The meeting focused on different topics: the legacy of Floribert Bwana Chui, a young man from Sant'Egidio who was killed in 2007 in Goma, Congo, for failing to give up on corruption; the challenge of being an outgoing community, the communication of the Gospel to the younger generations, the commitment to the street children who, compared to the past, increased by number, and the proliferation of religious sects.

A very joyful prayer service was held for the inauguration of the church of St. John Paul II, that the diocese gave to the Community. The church stands in the center of the city of Maputo and after many years of closure and refurbishment, opened its doors to welcome the people for the evening prayer.

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