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August 4 2014 | EL SALVADOR

The tragedy of young migrants from Central America: the memory becomes a prayer

The Community of Sant'Egidio of El Salvador, in prayer with the families of many young people that lost their lives travelling to North America, fleeing poverty and violence

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Last 26 July in San Salvador they celebrated with a solemn liturgy the memory of all those, especially children and teenagers, who died or were missing in an attempt to reach the United States in search of a better future. "Dying of hope", this is the name of this liturgy organised by the Community of Sant'Egidio in El Salvador. Present were many family members and friends of the young people that undertook these journeys of hope ended tragically. During the liturgy, which began with the reading of the words spoken by Pope Francis a year ago in Lampedusa, they remembered the names of all those that lost their lives or that are currently still missing.

A few families of the victims took the floor during the liturgy: their stories reveal the pain of many families that lurks behind every migrant that "dies of hope". 

In particular, many young people were remembered, among them children, with the dream of a normal life, of being able to study and to work in the future, leaving the country with only one address and a phone number in their pockets. A situation made ​​even more dramatic by some forecasts published in the country regarding the phenomenon of migration, which provide a rise to about 130 thousand in the number of the unaccompanied minors that, in 2015, will attempt to cross the southern border of the United States

 VIDEO (in spanish): Noticia en el Canal12sv


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