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August 9 2014 | SOUTH AFRICA

#solidaritysummer: In aid to the widows of the miners of Marikana

Two years after the massacre of the miners in the mine of South Africa, the Communities of Pretoria and Johannesburg have visited their families, bringing them aid as a sign of solidarity and memory

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Following a long period of strikes by tens of thousands of miners in the area of Marikana, in the north-west of South Africa, two years ago, on 16 August 2012, there were violent clashes, which caused the death of 34 people. Their families, deprived of the only source of livelihood, still live in abject poverty. 

The Communities of Sant'Egidio in Pretoria and Johannesburg, with the support of many, have collected aid - food and material for personal and domestic hygiene - for the families of those that lost their lives. 

For this reason, in recent days, on the second anniversary of the massacre, a delegation of Sant'Egidio went to Marikana and, with the cooperation of the local bishop and the Catholic parish, distributed the aid to 31 widows of miners and their children, visiting their poor housing, and having a party with the youngest children. 

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