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The church of Moses and Aaron in Amsterdam reopened for worship and entrusted to Sant'Egidio

The old church was closed for more than 30 years. "A sign of hope for the city and its poor people" underlined the bishop in his homily

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The first Catholic church, closed for more than 30 years, reopens in Amsterdam, Holland. Years in which many churches, empty of the faithful, have unfortunately changed destination. 

The church, dedicated to the Saints Moses and Aaron, in the city centre, one of the most important in Amsterdam, had been no longer open for worship since the late 80s.

The bishops of Haarlem-Amsterdam, Jozef Punt and Jan Hendriks, consecrated and entrusted it to the Community of Sant'Egidio in Holland so that it makes of it a place of prayer, of welcoming for the poor, of dialogue.

The solemn liturgy was attended by over 500 people. The celebration had moments of intense emotion because, as pointed out in his homily, "to reopen a church is to restore hope to the city and its poor people".

The liturgy was followed by a time of celebration, which was attended by the Communities of the Netherlands and the many friends that, over the years, have accompanied the journey of Sant'Egidio in the country.

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