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July 6 2014

Il reportage

Albania: Diciamo No alla vendetta

E a Tirana, i disabili psichici trovano casa

printable version

January 27 2016

Interreligious Dialogue: The Tool for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation - The Albanian Case

IT | EN | ES | FR | NL
September 5 2015

Marco Impagliazzo: Sant’Egidio brings the Spirit of Assisi to Albania by saying #PeaceIsPossible

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT
August 24 2015

Major religions will meet in Tirana to launch a strong appeal: peace is always possible #peaceispossible

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | UK
July 3 2015

Peace and dialogue between religions: in Milan we talk about Albania, an example of interreligious living together in Europe

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR
January 13 2015

From Albania, a message of living together between religions

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA
September 23 2014

Pope Francis in Albania: greeted also by the friends of the family home of Sant'Egidio

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT
all the news
May 17 2016
La Nazione

Il 'ponte solidale' degli studenti dalla Toscana a Tirana

September 20 2015
La Repubblica - Ed. Genova

Tirana, la "casa dei pazzi" voluta dal regime. La storia dei genovesi che chiusero il lager

September 6 2015
Koha Jone

“Lutja e Paqes 2015” në shtator mbledh në Tiranë liderët fetarë

September 6 2015
Gazeta Shqip

Takimi për Paqen, 4 mijë të ftuar, Klosi: Organizimi më i madh ndërkombëtar në vend

September 6 2015

Konferencë botërore për paqen 450 personalitete vijnë në Tiranë

September 6 2015

“Takimi i paqes”, krerët botërorë të feve mblidhen në Tiranë

the entire press review
October 10 2017

On 15th World Day Against the Death Penalty let us visit the poorest convicts in Africa

October 7 2015

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty - XIII world day against the death penalty

October 5 2015

Fallece un preso japonés tras pasar 43 años en el corredor de la muerte

September 24 2015

Pope Francis calls on Congress to end the death penalty. "Every life is sacred", he said

March 12 2015

Arabie: trois hommes dont un Saoudien exécutés pour trafic de drogue

March 12 2015
Associated Press

Death penalty: a look at how some US states handle execution drug shortage

March 9 2015

Australia to restate opposition to death penalty as executions loom in Indonesia

March 9 2015

Le Pakistan repousse de facto l'exécution du meurtrier d'un critique de la loi sur le blasphème

March 9 2015

Peine de mort en Indonésie: la justice va étudier un appel des deux trafiquants australiens

February 28 2015

13 Ways Of Looking At The Death Penalty

February 15 2015

Archbishop Chaput applauds Penn. governor for halt to death penalty

December 11 2014

C’est désormais officiel: Madagascar vient d’abolir la peine de mort!

go to no death penalty
Matteo Zuppi

Dieci anni della Comunità di Sant’Egidio con l’Albania: Intervento di Don Matteo Zuppi

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