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2014 8月 29

Dream un sogno tutto italiano per un'Africa libera dall'aids


• ニュース
2017 9月 1

September 1st, memory of Saint Egidio. The Community that took his name give thanks in every part of the world

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA | ID
2017 7月 25

Summer of Solidarity 2017 with the Community of Sant'Egidio: some pictures from the world

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | ID
2017 7月 13
リロングウェ, マラウイ

Let's fill the gap with the poor: Sant'Egidio in Lilongwe renewes the commitment of the poorest in Malawi

IT | EN | ES | DE | NL | ID
2017 6月 20
ローマ, イタリア

Central African Republic: an agreement for immediate cease-fire and a road map to peace was signed at Sant'Egidio

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA | NL | RU | HU
2017 6月 3
ローマ, イタリア

South Sudan humanitarian crisis in the meeting between Sant'Egidio and an international delegation of special envoys

2017 4月 25
ベルリン, ドイツ

Youth, Africa and interreligious dialogue at the centre of the meeting between Andrea Riccardi and Angela Merkel

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT
2019 2月 11
Vatican Insider

Riccardi: tra Italia e Vaticano c’è freddezza ma non rottura

2018 2月 25

Kardinal Marx fordert mehr Engagement für Einheit der Menschen

2018 2月 25

"Gräben zuschütten"

2018 2月 25

„Gräben zuschütten, Spaltungen überwinden“

2018 2月 24

A spasso per Milano aiutando l'Africa

2018 2月 24

Im Dienst der karitativen Arbeit

• NO死刑ません
2014 10月 31

Inaugurata a Bukavu la campagna "Città per la vita"

2014 10月 12
All Africa

Africa: How the Death Penalty Is Slowly Weakening Its Grip On Africa

2014 9月 20

In Ciad rischio criminalizzazione gay, ma abolizione pena morte

2014 9月 20

Ciad: il nuovo codice penale prevede l'abolizione della pena di morte


''Entente de Sant'Egidio'': Political Agreement for Peace in the Central African Republic



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251 訪問

219 訪問