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version imprimable
6 Septembre 2009 17:00 | Auditorium Maximum


Filip Vujanovic

Président de la République du Monténégro


Cracow, 6-8 September 2009

Opening Assembly

Your Eminences,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to express my appreciation to the organizers and participants of the International Meeting for Peace and it is my great pleasure to be here with you today.  The meetings for peace have proved their value and importance and I am sure that this one taking place in Poland will, also, send the messages, which will affirm the dialogue that is necessary for everyone and at all times.

Special value of this year’s meeting is that we hold it in Cracow, old capital of Poland and at the seat of the Archdiocese, the head of which was Pope John Paul II, who inaugurated the first meeting for peace in Asizia in 1986, giving strong contribution to the dialogue among religions and politics in the world.

The dialogue among religions is implicit as all of them, regardless of their respective differences, have the same goal- to esteem the man and his spiritual wealth. The dialogue among politics is equally important, as it ensures co-existence of the diversity for the sake of peace and stability. The dialogue between religions and politics is, certainly, necessary, as their joint commitment is to ensure a dignified life for man and entire mankind.

There are several striking characteristics of this meeting. First of all, it takes place in the month marking 70th anniversary of the beginning of the World War II and Nazi aggression on Poland. The seven decades that passed from the beginning of the worst global war have ensured guarantees for current and future peace and stability, through the activities of the United Nations and constant and responsible bilateral communications between big and small countries. Being proud of its antifascism, against which it stood up in the first massive uprising in the occupied Europe, Montenegro will continue to give its contribution, remaining permanently antifascist oriented.

The 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall will be marked in November, which symbolizes the end of the totalitarian regimes in Europe, the end of the cold war and the end of the division of the world into blocs. The two decades have significantly changed Europe and the world. They have affirmed the values of stability, democracy and human rights and freedoms. The EU and NATO have accepted new members, while their importance has been confirmed many times so far, sending a clear message that further enlargements are necessary.   

Another outstanding quality of the meeting is that it takes place in Poland- the country that has, for centuries, been the border between the East and the West, in which the value of the dialogue and co-existence and importance of building bridges among civilizations has always been clearly affirmed. Montenegro, just like Poland, has the same geographic position and is recognized as the country which also shares and affirms these values. For this reason, our two states have established close relations throughout history, which should be kept as such in future as well.

Finally, by the number of participants, religious dignitaries and politicians, this meeting has demonstrated its increasing value and importance, while the motive of its more than two decades existence has been justified. Therefore, I am confident that this meeting will give the important contribution to the global peace, offering solutions for the challenges that the modern society has been facing.

Thanks for your attention.   

Cracovie 2009

La salutation du pape Benoît XVI à l'Angelus



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